Program Objective

The 房地产投资补助金 Program is designed to assist new or relocating businesses, 扩大企业, 和 commercial property owners with the rehabilitation 和 redevelopment of interior 和 外 spaces to visually enhance the local streetscape, 增加人们对财富坊cff999市的兴趣.



  • Properties within 财富坊cff999市 limits that are commercial, industrial, office, or mixed-use.
  • Property owners, 谁不是主体企业的所有者, must improve vacant space to:
    • 创建一个香草壳来推销房产,或者
    • 为签订合同的新租户完成租户改善工作
  • New or existing business owners who are leaseholders 和 applying for grant funding for tenant improvements must have documentation in the lease that the tenant is responsible for improvements.
  • 本地实体, 状态, 或者联邦政府, 宗教组织, 而住宅企业则被禁止申请.




  • 房地产投资项目是一个匹配项目, reimbursement program that requires the applicant to make the initial investment for the full project costs; half of the eligible costs will be paid as a reimbursement, 以最高奖助金金额为限
  • 改进 made 和/or paid for prior to an issued Grant Agreement will not be reimbursed
  • 申请人和/或财产可能没有未付的财富坊cff999市税, 费用, or code violations (unless the grant funding is to be used to rectify code violations)
  • 申请人须提交资金证明以完成项目, 所需的财富坊cff999市批准和许可证的文件, 和 an outline of project costs with a timeline for completion 和 two quotes from contractors for project costs
  • 在多租户属性中, 在五年内,接受资助的地址地点不得超过三个.
  • Business owners making improvements to a leased space must provide a signed letter from the property owner consenting to the improvements.


应用程序s for the 2025 Fiscal year are accepted according to the submission schedule below.

应用程序s received after the cutoff date will be considered by the Portsmouth EDA in the following round.

第一轮: 2024年7月1日至31日开放
第二轮: 2024年10月1日至31日开放
第三轮: 开放时间为2025年1月1日至31日
轮4: 开放时间为2025年4月1日至30日

应用程序 & 审批流程

房地产投资补助金申请分为七个步骤. Those interested in applying are required to schedule a pre-application meeting with staff before submission.

The completed 房地产投资补助金 application is to be submitted to Portsmouth Economic Development for review 和 is not considered submitted if incomplete. 完成 applications (those containing all required documentation) will be reviewed to determine completion status 和 adherence with program guidelines.

Applicants are required to outline which of the two quotes provided will be used in the execution of the project. The Portsmouth 经济发展局 encourages the use of materials 和 labor from Portsmouth businesses in the execution of projects utilizing grant funds.

申请资助金额少于10美元,000 may be approved through an administrative process by Portsmouth Economic Development staff. 申请资助金额超过$10的申请,000需要财富坊cff999EDA委员会的考虑.

Approval or denial of an application lies within the discretion of the Portsmouth EDA Board of Commissioners, considering factors such as the degree to which the business activities contemplated by the application further the goals of the program, 需要资金的程度, 所要求的经费数额, 本财政年度剩余的项目资金数额, 及委员会认为有关的任何其他因素.

当申请被批准时, 申请人将与财富坊cff999财富cff888局签订资助协议, 同意接受经批准的奖助金,金额不会超过 实际可核实的已付费用的50%,最高可达25,000美元. Under no circumstances will funds be disbursed at a ratio higher than the matching requirements. Proof of costs paid by the applicant are required before grant funds are to be disbursed.

Portsmouth EDA grant approval is not a factor in obtaining other 财富坊cff999市 approvals 和 the qualification st和ards do not parallel.


房地产投资补助金是一项配对, reimbursement program that requires the applicant to make the initial investment of the full project costs; half of the eligible costs will be paid as a reimbursement, 以最高资助额为限.

任何获批准申请的最高资助金额为$25,每个物业地址000元, 对于符合条件的改进, 为了整个项目. 如果没有超过最高奖助金金额, 申请人可就余下的25元重新申请同一物业,最高总赔付额为000美元. 在多租户属性中, 在五年内,最多只能有两个地址地点获得资助.

资金以先到者为准, first served basis until the funding pool has been exhausted each fiscal year as appropriated.

All recipients are required to enter into a Grant Agreement with the Portsmouth 经济发展局. Recipients have 120 days to complete approved work after the Grant Agreement is issued. 可根据具体情况再延长90天, 但必须以书面形式提出要求,并包括项目的详细状态, 剩余工作和预计完成时间.

Applicant must have all inspections 和 final Certificate of Occupancy in order to request reimbursement.

Proof of costs paid by the applicant will be required before grant funds are to be disbursed. 所需文件包括承包商发票副本, 取消检查, 确认付款的银行对账单和/或信用卡对账单. 现金支付不符合报销条件.

Grant funding payments will not be made if improvements deviate from those outlined in the application 和 Grant Agreement. Work that was started prior to application approval 和 projects with outst和ing code violations (unless the program grant was used to rectify the violation), 不符合报销资格. 奖助金是一次性偿还款项,而非提款.


Eligible improvements must be permanent 和 can include any combination of eligible interior, 外, 标志, 和/或安全性修改或增强.


  • ADA可访问性修改
  • 灭火与防护
  • 改进
  • 地板
  • 暖通空调系统
  • 室内电气/照明
  • 室内管道
  • 内墙
  • 固定装置和设备(一.e. 排气罩、管道系统、内置冷冻室等)
  • 建筑细节的修复或修复
  • Security improvements including entry hardware, access control, cameras, etc (max 2500美元)
  • 结构改进 


  • ADA可访问性修改
  • 装饰击剑
  • 外部照明
  • 外部画
  • 改进纠正代码违规
  • 景观美化和植物(最高$2,500)*
  • 砌体维修
  • 永久性硬景观改善*
  • 栏杆或朱丽叶阳台
  • 清除/更换不完整的外部饰面和材料
  • Restoration of architectural details or removal of materials that cover architectural details
  • 屋面*
  • 从邻近的公共区域可以看到的服务和维修区域进行筛选
  • 安全改进,包括入口硬件,访问控制,摄像头等. (max 2500美元)
  • 招牌(最高5,000元)
  • 公用设施改善*
  • 窗户和飞檐的闪光和修理*


NOTE: 改进 made 和/or paid for prior to an issued Grant Agreement will not be reimbursed.


  • 广告牌
  • 安全围栏
  • 深层的工作
  • 财富坊cff999市收取的费用
  • 新建筑

NOTE: 改进 made 和/or paid for prior to an issued Grant Agreement will not be reimbursed.



  • 完成 美国国税局W-9表
  • Pre-improvement photos of specific areas of property where improvements using grant funding will take place
  • 项目成本大纲及完成时间
  • 每个项目组成部分的两份承包商报价
  • 选定承包商的建议书,包括改进图纸/效果图, 工程费用的概要, 以及完成的时间表
  • 所选承包商的弗吉尼亚州DPOR许可证副本 保险(如果费用超过$1,000)
  • 财富坊cff999市批准和许可的文件
  • 完成项目的资金证明
  • Copy of 财富坊cff999市 business license - required from business owners completing improvements
  • Copy of "Articles of Organization" from the Virginia SCC - required from business owners completing improvements
  • Copy of Lease 和 signed Property Owner Consent Form - required from business owners leasing their space
  • 营销计划-要求业主, 谁不是主体企业的所有者, 并且正在改善一个空置的空间